Sep 13, 2009

Not A Bad Day

Yesterday I have my badminton competition
and I started from the qualifying round. My opponent
was a girl named (something) Tan.....
My score is 21 - 7 and I actualy cannot believe my
score because I went there... i was practicing
and I saw her practicing as well !!! And i thought
that must be the girl and in the end it was her.
And when she practice with her friend I myself
thought she was very good until I play with her...
Oh well......and then the quarter final i lose to a girl who
was trained by one of Yang Yang's student. I lost to her
by 21 - 4 and this time it was harder then before. Last year
i met her in the qualifying round and i actually have 6 - 21.
But since that is over I have to train better for next year and
i mean it seriously....
And to everybody out there who prayed for me THANK YOU
VERY MUCH = grasias amigos !


Sep 4, 2009


Hey hey hey.....
yo yo yo......
So hows your day ???
Well i can only say mine is quiet boring
but one part that is fun is dancing with my
school friends and practicing for the badminton
So now i would very very very busy so
forgive me for not blogging and writing things
about my life and i can i am having a
rough time in homework(s) and other things....
So i want to apologized to everybody....

And have a fantastic life...!!!